About Me

I’m currently a Senior Applied Scientist in AWS Shanghai AI Lab. I worked for AWS in Palo Alto from Feb. 2018, and moved to Shanghai since Sep. 2019. I got my Master’s degree in Computing Science from Simon Fraser University in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Martin Ester. My research interests are mainly on computer vision and machine learning.


  • May 2024: Our paper, CaMML: Context-Aware Multimodal Learner for Large Model(paper) is accepted by ACL 2024 Main Conference as an Oral!

  • Apr 2024: Our paper, Hallucination of Multimodal Large Language Models: A Survey([paper, repo) is released on Arxiv!

  • Feb 2024: Our papers, Adaptive Slot Attention: Object Discovery with Dynamic Slot Number(paper) and Learning for Transductive Threshold Calibration in Open-World Recognition(paper) are accepted by CVPR 2024!

  • Jan 2024: Our papers, Convolution Meets LoRA: Parameter Efficient Finetuning for Segment Anything Model(paper) and Consistent Video-to-Video Transfer Using Synthetic Dataset(paper), are accepted by ICLR 2024! Besides, our paper BloomGML: Graph Machine Learning through the Lens of Bilevel Optimization(paper) is accepted by AISTATS 2024!

  • Sep 2023: Our paper Compatible Transformer for Irregularly Sampled Multivariate Time Series(paper, code) is accepted by ICDM 2023!

  • Jul 2023: We have four papers, Unsupervised Open-Vocabulary Object Localization in Videos(paper), Object-centric Multiple Object Tracking(paper, code), Coarse-to-Fine Amodal Segmentation with Shape Prior,(paper, code), and Rethinking Amodal Video Segmentation from Learning Supervised Signals with Object-centric Representation(paper, code), accepted by ICCV 2023!


Please refer to Publications.

Open Source Projects

I’m a committer in the following open source projects:

I maintained/created the following R package on CRAN:

Work Experience

  • Senior Applied Scientist, Amazon Web Services, 2018 - Present
  • Embedded Software Developer, Fortinet, 2016 - 2017


  • M.S. in Computer Science, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, 2016
  • B.S. in Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, 2013

Selected Awards


  • There are at least two other researchers named “Tong He” [1], [2], although possibly in different Chinese characters, in the domain of Computer Vision. Please check their profiles if you got confused because some automated systems mistakenly assigned their works to my profile.